Selasa, 11 Oktober 2016

Battery Ritar OPzV 2 - 1000 cocok untul PLTS Terpusat atau Komunal


Battery Ritar OPzV 2 - 1000 cocok untul PLTS Terpusat atau Komunal

Ritar OPzV series is a Valve Regulated Lead Acid battery that adopts immobilized GEL and Tubular Plate technology to offer high reliability and performance . The Battery is designed and manufactured according to DIN standards and with die - casting positive grid and patent formula of active material. OPzV series exceeds DIN standard values with more than 20 years floating design life at 25 and is even more suitable for cyclic use under extreme operating conditions.
Spesifikasi teknik battery Ritar OpzV 2 - 100
Voltage Per Unit : 2 volt ( single cell )
Capacity : 1000Ah@ 10hr-rate to 1.80V per cell @ 25 C
Weight : Approx. 75 kh
Max. Discharge Current : 3800 A( 5 secon)
Internal Resistance : Approx 0.27 m
Operating Temperature Range :
- Discharge: -40 C ~ 70 C
- Charge: 0 C~ 50 C
Float charging Voltage : 2.25 to 2.3 VDC/ unit Average at 25 C
Maximum Charging Current Limit : 200 Ampere
Cycle Service : 2.37 to 2.40 VDC/ unit Average at 25 C
Dimensions : 2.37 to 2.40 VDC/ unit Average at 25 C

Aplikasi :
- PLTS Komunal 5 KW, 10 KW, 15 KW
- Untuk UPS besar
- Back sistem di perkapalan

Inverter ON - Grid untuk perumahan integrasi dgn PLN tanpa battery langsung dari tenaga surya

Inverter ON - Grid untuk perumahan integrasi dgn PLN tanpa battery langsung dari tenaga surya

Model : SIRIO EVO 2000
Rated power alternating current : 2000 watt
Maximym power alternating current : 200 watt
Maksimum dirrext alternating current : 800 vcc
MPPT Operating Ranger 100 – 720 Vcc
Working Range : 100 – 800 vcc
Output : 230 VCA

• transformerless
• maximum efficiency up to 97%
• IP65 protection degree for outdoor installation
• control devices and redundancy protection
• integrated DC switch disconnector
• night-time consultation feature
• easy configuration for all Countries
• built-in datalogger
• multi-lingual LCD display


Quality power
The Sirio EVO range implements innovative technologies and high quality components, sized with a wide margin compared to normal operation, able to compensate for routine machine maintenance without sacrificing operating flexibility. The innovative digital control of all stages of power ensures a low susceptibility network disconnections, preventing unwanted disconnections in the presence variations or micro-breaks. Sirio EVO inverters integrate protections against voltage surges in input and output and are equipped with control devices and redundancy protection, particularly on the output stage, a further guarantee of operational effectiveness and continuity.
MPPT Devices
Sirio EVOs 2000 are equipped with an innovative MPPT device which ensure that the inverter makes maximum use of photovoltaic generator power. Thanks to fast response times, the inverters make the maximum power generated by photovoltaic panels available at all times and in all in all weather conditions.
Ease of installation and use
The wide input range, thanks to the use of NPC topology, combined with an IP65 degree of protection that allows outside placement of the inverter near the generator, simplify wiring on the DC side, reducing losses and limiting installation costs. The LCD display positioned on the front panel offers simple and intuitive viewing of all the essential information: power, energy produced and any faults, recalling other parameters such as mains voltage, photovoltaic module voltage and mains frequency.
Simple communication
All models in the series have a standard serial RS485 and USB ( ModBUS and Ethernet optional) connection, thus making all information locally accessible with the display remotely available. The inverter also has a built-in datalogger that stores instantaneous data with a settable frequency between 5 and 60 minutes, in addition to saving production data on a daily basis for a period of about two years. In addition, by means of a simple setting, a night-time consultation function can be set to allow inverter interrogation through the RS485/ 422 bus, USB or slot cards during the night when the device is off by default.
Reduced noise
Sirio EVO photovoltaic inverters have been constructed with static electronic devices without the use of rotating components and without cooling fans, significantly reducing device noise and eliminating a component often subject to maintenance or breakdowns.
Internal GFCI ( Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter)
According to CEI 64-8/ 7, art. 712.413., section 712, Sirio EVO photovoltaic inverters are equipped with an advanced protection circuit that continuously monitors the leakage current to the ground. This protection is in fact a Class B differential. In the case of an earth fault, the converter is deactivated and the fault is indicated with a red LED and a relative error code on the front control panel.  


Paket Listrik Tenaga Surya 50 WP murah

Paket Listrik Tenaga Surya 50 WP murah

Paket PLTS 50wp sederhana

Paket PLTS SHS untuk tender pemerintahan biasanya menggunakan type ini. Paket ini masih menggunakan aki mobil basah.

Paket ini memiliki Spekifikasi :

1 buah Modul Solar Cell 50WP ( Poly/ Monocrystal) .
1 set Electronic Box System ( EBS 12V) Battery Control Unit 12VDC – 8/ 10 Amper + 4 Saklar lampu.
1 buah Inverter 500Watt
1 buah Battery 12VDC – 65 Ah liquid.
3 set Lampu LED TL 3 Watt 12VDC + Box reflektor lampu.
1 set Kabel : Modul NYYHY 2× 2, 5mm + Battery NYAF 2, 5mm + Lampu  2× 0, 75mm.
1 set Penyangga Modul ( Pipa Galvanis) + Aksesoris.
* Dilengkapi box panel EBS desain tempat battery dengan desain yang modern, kuat dan anti korosi.

Aplikasi :
- Untuk rumah sederhana
- Untuk pos satpam
- Sangat simple pemasangan

PLTS tenaga surya komunal atau terpusat 5 kwp, 10 kwp, 15 kwp untuk 50 sampai 100 kk

PLTS tenaga surya komunal atau terpusat 5 kwp, 10 kwp, 15 kwp untuk 50 sampai 100 kk

Spesifikasi dan harga PLTS Komunal atau Terpusat 5 KWP atau 10 KWP atau 12 kwp

1. Solar Panel Sebanyak 120 unit
Merk : Solar Land
Type : SRN 100
Pendukung : TKDN dari pabrikan Indonesia

2. Controler
Merk : Morning Star
Pendukung Sertifikate International
Belum menggunakan surat dari pabrikan karena import by order

3. Inverter
a. Inverter Ongrid
Merk : Aros ( Italy)
Pendukung sertifikate international
Tanpa bisa menunjukan keagenan dari pabrikan karena masih import by proyek

b. Inverter Off Grid 5 kw
Merk : Powerbank ( Taiwan )
Sertifikate International
Belum bisa menunjukan keagenan karena masih impor by proyek atau by order

4. Battery OpzV 2 volt 1000 ah
Merk : Ritar
Type : Opzv21000
Pendukung : Seritifikat international
Surat penunjukan langsung 


Senin, 10 Oktober 2016

Lampu jalan PJU single LED cocok untuk PLN atau tenaga surya

Tersedia Lampu LED DC 10 Watt - 200 Watt

Lampu jalan PJU single LED cocok untuk PLN atau tenaga surya dgn ketinggian tiang 7 meter

Aplikasi :
- Lampu jalan, lahan parkir, sekolahan. Taman. Lokasi pabrik
- Bisa di aplikasikan untuk sumber PLN atau tenaga surya
Keunggulan lampu SUNLED
- 60 – 70% hemat energi dari lampu biasa
- Indek warna RA > 80.
- Mudah installasi & bebas perawatan
- Bersahabat dengan lingkungan
- Umur lebih dari 50.000 jam
Material :
- High – purity alumunium reflector, light housing dan pendingin
- Vacum metalic – membrane palting reflector
- Kaca tahan tekanan
- Led single ( 10 – 40 watt ) sebagai sumber cahaya
- Driver led yang handal lebih terang dengan chips semiconductor

charger untuk battery Industrial

Alat pengisi battery dan DC Power system dengan pengaturan tegangan output yang lebar yang menggunakan system penyaringan penuh sehingga sesuai untuk pengisian battery Lead – Acid ataupun Ni-Cad dan untuk beban peralatan DC seperti:

  • Telekomunikasi
  • Switch Gear
  • Lampu Penerangan Darurat
  • Microwave dan Radio Instalasi
  • Sistem Kontrol dan Pemonitoran
  • Beban DC lainnya

Kamis, 06 Oktober 2016

Pemasangan PJU Tenaga Surya

Pemasangan lampu PJU Tenaga Surya di Pabrik

Pompa air Tenaga Surya

Pompa air Tenaga Surya PS 200 cocok untuk rumah tangga dengan kapasitas 5 - 10 m3

Pompa air tenaga surya type ini cocok untuk pengairan sawah, minum, mandi dengan kapasitas 2, 6m3/ jam atau ( 10 m3/ hari) apabila kondisi panas.
Sistem ini tidak menggunakan PLN, Genset atau battery tapi murni menggunakan panas matahari yang langsung di rubah tenaga menjadi listrik sehingga bisa menggerakan motor dan mnghisap air dari sumber air.
Paket pompa air PS 200 ini untuk kedalaman 10 – 20 meter dengan asumsi debet air 10m3/ hari. Paket cocok untuk PNPM mandiri bantuan pemerintah lokal dengan harga yang sangat ekonomis.
Spesifikasi Paket PS 200
Ø Panel surya 50 WP 8 unit
Ø Pompa Submersible PS 200 ( Solartech)
Ø Driver Pompa PS 200
Ø Kabel Instalasi + Box panel
Ø Kontruksi solar panel
Ø Termasuk Pipa HDPE 15 meter
( Belum termasuk pondasi, pipanisasi

Keuntungan pompa tenaga surya
Ø Awet dan bergaransi resmi pabrikan
Ø Bekerja otomatis
Ø Tidak menggunakan BBM
Ø Tidak menggunakan battery